Friday, April 13, 2012

Quinoa Salad

Last night for dinner we tried the recipe I mentioned yesterday for Quinoa Salad. It was SOOOO Yummy and very easy to make.

My only complaint about the recipe is that the author says that it makes 4 sides or 2 entree portions. HOLY COW! There is no way I would have been able to make it through half of this recipe in one sitting. I would say that there are probably 5 or 6 entree servings in this. I had already put the calories for it in myfitnesspal earlier in the day so that I could see where I stood and I had to adjust it after I saw that I was eating way less than half the recipe.

A change that I made in the recipe was that I did not put the feta in and I added chicken breast to it. It was delicious and I am looking forward to eating it again for lunch today.

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